Adding entities and relationships

Adding your first entity

Aeon Timeline allows you to associate events with people, locations, projects, story arcs, and more – collectively these are known within Aeon Timeline as entities.

Entities have a name and a type (e.g. Person, Location), and can optionally have dates of birth and death.

Once you start adding entities into your timeline, you can start to capture more information, tell more complex stories, and unlock the true power of your timeline.

Tap on an entity type in the left hand side bar (e.g. Character) to open the Entity List.
Tap on Add in the top-left corner of the Entity List. This will bring up the Entity modal.
Enter a name for your new entity and tap Add. Your new entity will appear in the list.

Creating relationships

Relationships represent a connection between an event and an entity. This may represent a particular person was present at an event, or an event belongs to a particular story arc or project.

Relationships are many-to-many, meaning each event can have relationships with multiple entities, and each entity may have relationships with multiple events.

When specifying a relationship, you also specify the role that the entity fulfils for that event. Many entity types may only allow a single role, but some types may have multiple roles – for instance, a person may be a participant in an event, or just a witness.

Once you have added an entity, you will be able to associate it with events via the Inspector:

Tap on an event to select it.
Scroll the Inspector to the Roles section.
Tap on the Role you wish to change (e.g. Participant)
Tap on the names of any entities you want to fill the Role for that Event.

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