Aeon Timeline Options/Preferences

What are all of the options?

Version Updates

Here you can change the update options. Periodically check for updates will check via the internet occasionally.
Download available updates immediately will start a download as soon as Aeon Timeline 2 finds a new update.

Startup Options

Open last used timeline on startup will automatically open the last opened timeline when you start Aeon Timeline 2.

Defaults for New Timelines

These are the default display settings for new timelines, that can also be found in theDisplay Settings window. Skin is the default theme new timelines will start with and Size is how zoomed in text and other elements on the timeline will be.

Automatic Backup

Here you can select the folder where Automatic Backups are saved. Up to 10 backups can be saved, and a new backup is created when a timeline is saved and closed.

Preferred Date Format

Select the date order that you want to use when entering dates.
Use System Default will attempt to work out the date order automatically. If this fails, you should set it directly.

User Interface Behavior

Pasting events includes dependencies lets copy and pasted events preserve connections to dependent events. New events won’t be created to preserve connections, instead a newly pasted event will have same connection to the dependency.

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